5 Quick Hacks for Modernizing Learning in Organizations
Ajay Ravichandran   
July 13, 2022    
Any adoption of a technology or approach will be poor if you don’t really know what those end users are going through and how you can help them. It’s absolutely the best idea to interact with people to find out what they prefer. What do they accomplish in their spare time? What do they believe will be helpful to them?
Leaders should have curiosity, experimentation, and an overall test-and-learn mindset. This encourages testing and learning, it helps people think more about, How can we experiment with stuff? How can we take a look at the past? And how can we expand on that for the world in which we currently reside? instead of building & launching this product. Try to look for inspiration besides l&d
Don’t be afraid of technology. I believe that many individuals in the industry dread technology and believe that it will occasionally save them, but this is not always the case unless they are employing it properly or they believe it will take the position of the L&D team, which is also untrue. If you look at tech properly, it may be tremendously valuable and the goal should be to fully comprehend your organization’s current technology portfolio.
Because of the huge explosion in learning technology, it is now simpler than ever to ignore the human factor and simply declare that we are going to create numerous tech ecosystems without ever meeting you in person, engaging in meaningful conversation, or letting people know about who work behind the scenes. Try to build a transactional connection in which people interact with things and turn them into products. Therefore, it is imperative to concentrate on your creative experiences, from the beginning to the present.
Strive to achieve the balance between stability and dynamism. Do your research and look at what’s happening in the industry. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel, don’t do that. Don’t cause yourself all that stress, if someone’s doing it really well and if that could work here, do it. Take it with pride and build upon it and make it work for your organization.
Listen to complete conversation with Ross Stevenson, for great insights.