The latest episode of the Digital Adoption Show features Bart Schutte, sharing insights with Arijeet Das Diengdoh, Associate Director of Sales – EMEA at Whatfix, on Transform not train your way to a better business strategy.
03:26 – Is there fear or scepticism regarding artificial intelligence in training?
- Software vendors continually talk about AI in their products and their ability to recommend learning to people personally, amongst l&d people
- In Saint Gobain, we use Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, for detecting patterns from data in the past so that they can make predictions and we try to implement it in our manufacturing plants, sales & marketing and supply chain
- The first step that companies can take around machine learning for the masses, is visualisation. If you can make data visual so that people can see it, and it expresses the insights people can make much better decisions. Visualisation is a lot easier than machine learning
09:47 – The biggest challenges confronted by L&D leaders and companies
- Critical thinking, problem identification and problem-solving skills are critical. There’s been a lot of talk about this becoming increasingly critical but the real challenge is to build those skills inside the people in organizations. It’s not just about training, but transforming the company, in terms of skill and culture
- In Saint Gobain, Data Analytics Academy was launched in 2019. We recognise the opportunity, the need to upskill engineers and our plants, to be able to use machine learning on themselves to get insights out of the data they have every day to continually improve production
- What matters is, what are they able to do with the training and guidance provided. With a good learning experience, we’re could see people reduce the energy consumption on a line of production by over 10%. But with traditional techniques, they’ve never been able to get more than a 1% reduction
15:44 -How do you get people to change?
- Organisational structure plays a very crucial role in transformation. The organisation has to support employees and make it easier for them to do new thing than the old ones
- If data and data analytics are really important, it has to be something that senior leaders should be talking about all the time. Also making sure, that they’re walking the talk when they make decisions. They’re basing it on data and not on intuition. So that’s the most important thing that has to happen if you want to get individuals to change
20:54 -What is the significance of employee experience in driving successful digital transformation?
- People approach the employee experience from many different dimensions. What’s important is that the learning should be as close to the moment of need on the job. It is imperative to design all of their programmes to be about real things that people have to get done on the ground
- As L&D practitioners, we should focus on creating an environment that promotes collaboration and encourage employees to take up different things
Check out the episode right away to benefit from these excellent thoughts!
Bart Schutte is a Director of Digital Learning at Saint Gobain. He is focused on Organizational Learning, and specifically, how enterprises need to adapt to create a real culture of learning leveraging public MOOCs, Personal Knowledge Management, and the abundance of knowledge and learning on the Internet.