The latest episode of the Digital Adoption Show features Gokul Suresh, Global Head of Growth and Field Marketing at Whatfix and Dr Jerry Zandstra on How to create a learner-friendly learning and training experience?
10:46 – How do you handle a situation when you have to satisfy everyone’s wants while yet making it comfortable for them?
- You should ask yourselves, What do you want the learner to build or believe at the end? Who is that learner? Sometimes learning teams get stuck on thinking the learning is about the team that is creating, and you lose focus on the end user
- Spend a lot of time thinking about the learners and focus more towards what would be their experience and what is their current depth of knowledge
- The training needs to be ideal for an employee who is just starting his/her career with a year of experience and also an old veteran who is on the job for a very long time. Focus on the training methodology where both get the opportunity to learn
18:12 – How do you ease the adoption of a complex software setup in a Large Organization?
- To ease the software adoption, once you have gone through the needs assessment and understood what the requirements are. Microlearning can ease the adoption of a complex software
- The idea of micro-learning is to create small bite-sized pieces of information and deliver them just in time when people need them. A two-hour course on a new piece of software, won’t be an ideal experience for anyone. Instead, if you let them play with the software and you help them with the prompts, that will help the users take the consecutive steps
- Don’t feed information whatever you can in a two-hour session, rather push information toward the user in their time of need and let them learn it on their own it’s a very strong and powerful learning experience you can deliver when you’re able to pull rather than have things pushed
23:51 – How we can derive ROI from the learning experience? What specific critical KPIs should L&D professionals be keeping an eye on?
- The learning and development team are highly educated and creative. They want to build and after they’ve built, they don’t spend any time thinking about how to market it efficiently. It’s a bit of a difficult framework because most people that are in learning and development don’t actively look up to the ROI metrics
- Generally, a metric could be anything from reducing injury, increasing purchasing power, gaining market share, and improving efficiency gains. It all has to do with your initial learning objectives. Decide the requirements and build it and once it’s built, focus on how we measure it. Have metrics which you will be able to measure and demonstrate
- One of the biggest challenges in L&D is, learning teams want to build and deliver the experience. But, how do we know that the learning experience is successful? It isn’t just about the learner enjoying it or you have got good feedback over there. There should be physical numbers and you should start focussing on improving them from time to time
Check out the episode to learn more.
Dr Jerry Zandstra is the Chief Strategy Officer at MindSpring. He was the Director at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty.